Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sannin Podcast Episode ??? - "150"

     Hey everyone! Jen and I recorded a new podcast today... one that is unlike our old podcasts because it actually deals with things that we haven't talked about in our previous blog entries. This episode deals mainly with my attitude towards Nishikawaguchi, the city that we get off the train at and have to walk through to get to our actual city Warabi. Also, I would like to dedicate this podcast to Mike Ordonez. I'm not sure if you listen to the podcasts or not, but you ARE the only OYFA member that I know that for sure reads my blog (heck, I can't even be sure that my big sib reads it)! Here's to you, Mike!!!



*In case you can't tell, there IS a link... click the "150".

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