Friday, May 2, 2008

Now about class...

I promised last time that my next post would be about class since I haven't talked about it yet, so let me give you the rundown of how it works and how my week works, and then I'll comment on how I actually feel about class.

Firstly, I am enrolled in two classes: JAPN 270B (Intensive Japanese 2) and ANTH 3-something, maybe 4-something (Japanese Symbolic Practice). Japanese meets everyday for three hours, which covers the first two periods of the day, and ends at lunch, while the Anthropology course starts at 3:15 and goes for an hour and a half Mondays and Thursdays. Now you may be thinking, "wow, three hours is a long time!" Well, by golly, you're right! But, they decided to make it seem like we were shortening it by having two different professors every day to make our sensei numbers total to five. Each sensei has his or her own topic, too, so it's not like one whole day of one subject. Reading, Speaking and Writing, Kanji, and Grammar are the topics that they cover, and here's how it looks on schedule:

Monday: Grammar/Speaking and Reading
Tuesday: Reading/Kanji
Wednesday: Grammar/Kanji
Thursday: Grammar/Speaking
Friday: Reading/Speaking

Not so bad, huh? Huh? HUH??!?! Well, HOLD YOUR TONGUE, KNAVE! This schedule gets terrible, and this is why: we have at least two homework sheets due a day and at least one quiz a day, usually two. The problem with this is keeping track of what is when. What days are which sections (not counting kanji... that luckily falls atzjslfjasf...

SLEEP. Man, sorry, that was nap attack to the extreme. If I don't have baseball tomorrow I'lll blaaaarg


Unknown said...

Poor lad - school's such a hard life. Keep complaining like that and folks will mistake you for a liberal fascist (aka Democrat). Buckle down and do not dishonor your family and country - we want "As."


Unknown said...

keep stepping it up youngster. I'm so excited for you to be in Japan! Ryan and I head to Italy in 2 weeks - need a crash course real quick, since all I know is bongiourno.

Frank released his new album. Check it out on Facebook or Myspace - search for the Lost Satellites. It's freakin awesome.

Love you. Have a great time and be safe. Jo

Unknown said...

If you can, sneak a Japanese man into the classroom and ask him the questions on the quiz that you dont know. You may as well take advantage of the resources around you.