Tuesday, June 17, 2008


      With time dwindling down, I'm actually starting to think about home more and it's made me a little homesick, honestly. Not to any major extent, it's just that it's more on my mind than usual, and while I don't want to necessarily leave, I can't wait to get back either. That said, I started to compile a list of what I miss about home and, to be fair, one of what I will miss when I leave Japan to remind myself why I shouldn't be in any rush to get back home. Here's what I came up with in a short amount of time:

"Things That I Miss About America"
Family. This is a no-brainer for me. Although I'm in contact with some of my family through Skype, I still feel that large land gap between us. Just being around home to know that my family is near is really comforting to me. Even at UVA my home is only two and a half hours away, so I could really go there whenever I felt like it if there was some emergency (not that I've ever felt the need to leave in the middle of the week for home).
Friends. Another duh. What I really wish is to be able to warp friends here and do fun things here with them here. I think I've said it before, but I think that Japan is a place that partners itself with things that I like to do with my friends at home, with a few exceptions that will be on my other list.
Hugs. Yes, this was the third thing I wrote down. I give SO MANY at home, whether they're to my family in Virginia Beach or to friends at UVA. Here I've given a few, but they're so few and far between, and I'll give a leeway of two when I say I've hugged probably five Japanese (a few HSD members, Shuuji from the baseball team when he was happy about winning the most recent game [which I'll get to later], and uhhh...)
Couches. I really look forward to returning to the couches in the den, relaxing, and naturally falling asleep on them.
Diverse Foods. This week especially I've been bummed with food choices here. I eat the same stuff all of the time, and since stuff that I've been eating all the time has hit a hard, unexpected roadblock as of last weekend, I refuse to eat things such as: Yoshinoya, fried rice balls, and bread sweets with cream inside.
Mexican and Chinese. I went to a Mexican place on Saturday with Jonas and Juun (Sugiyama) and got fajitas, but... this was no Plaza Azteca. There also are no American Chinese food places anywhere [but America].
Home cooking. This would naturally go higher on the list, but I was just throwing food nostalgia everywhere at this point. Also, I miss home cooking at UVA, so this is nothing new. What I DON'T miss at UVA is the above food because it's still around. Anyway, my mom cooks great food, as does my dad, and let's not forget about my grandparents! Man... I would consider making lumpia like my grandma taught me this winter here, but the peripherals here are just too gross.
Cookouts. The smell, the gathering, and not to mention the actual foods. Summer is all about cookouts at home, and I'm missing them. You know, I think I'll try to put together a Japanese barbecue now that I think about it... not that that will by any means make up for a burger off the grill and a pool to dive in.
Jazz. I can't practice here because I just don't have time, so that's one thing, but another thing is, I don't play with people like the people I play with at UVA. Hands down. Attitude about jazz and playing-wise. You know who I'm talking about. Maybe it's just that talking about music with people here is IMPOSSIBLE for me the way I talk about it with my jazz friends at UVA, and even sometimes at home.
Driving. Driving a car is the first thing that comes to mind, not driving a bus. The freedom of hoping in my car and going someone I want is awesome. So is SINGING in the car (that originally was just another point on the list). I can't belt out here. Sometimes I sing at night when I'm coming home late and there's no one around and sometimes in my room, but usually never outside of karaoke. I miss the bus, too, but it doesn't compare to the car when you don't have a car around.
Tub. Maybe I should just say "non-communal showers". But I like sitting in the shower at home, too.
LOST and other good TV. I missed so much...!!! Supposedly there's a website I can go to, but I don't remember what it is... I'm going to have to find whoever told me about it...
Rock Band. You know it had to come sooner or later. When I get home there're so many new songs to play aaaahhhhhhhh!!!
Home Games. Really it's the idea of having friends to play games with, as that is my main goal of owning games in the first place in this modern era of my life. Smash Bros., anyone?
Candy Bars. I love Kit-Kats, but COME ON, Japan. What I really want is a Milky Way.
Open Spaces. They don't exist here. When I wrote this, all I had to do was think about walking outside my front door and walking along the street. Open. Lovely.
Nature. Part of open spaces, I presume, but not totally. I miss nature a lot anywhere, but there's just SO MUCH city here. Even going to Yoyogi park is less nature-y than, say, the Lawn due to the sheer number of people there. Not that there aren't a lot on the Lawn... maybe they're even...
Clean Laundry. It doesn't get clean at UVA either, but at least the dryer does its job.

"Things I Will Miss About Japan"
Friends. Goodness I'll miss the friends I've made here, Japanese and not. As I said before, it's only recently that I started to make actual good relationships with a lot of people, so no matter what it's going to be like a rug pulled out from under me. It's happened before with HSD, but that was ten days versus months, which is a little different. Maybe it's bad to even compare it this to HSD at all because that's like an inexplicable phenomenon.
Baseball. I'm not going to be playing baseball when I get back. Softball, yeah, but not baseball, and I'll miss that. I'll also miss growing up with the other first years of the team, which is sad to think about. But, hopefully I'll return in the next four years and I can come back to see a game of theirs when they're awesome.
Different Ethnicities. What? Different ethnicities aren't in America!? Not like this. My Japanese class alone has Germans, Brits, a Russian, a Swede, Thais, and people from all around America. Not that the Americans are recognizably different from me, but the others are non-diluted citizens of their respective countries and it's very cool.
Gundam. Haha, you know it.
Speaking Japanese. I guess I'll be speaking Japanese in class, but the Japanese I want to speak is not the Japanese that I'll be speaking in class. I love the casual conversations and dialect that I use with my friends, and though sure, I can't speak a little Japanese to fellow classmates back home, I'd rather speak English to them. Furthermore, I'll want to use a lot of Japanese slang when talking in Japanese, but who the hell's going to understand me???
HSD Friends. Not to beat a horse any more than it should be, but seeing these guys again have really made a part of my life.
Tabe/Nomihoudais. Cici's is one thing, but there won't be anything like paying $25 for either as many plates of beef as I can eat in two hours or as much as I can drink in the same amount of time. Er, man... $20 is a lot... but not here!!! It's like paying $10 at home, maybe... 'cause that's how much Cici's is (less, even!).
Japanese Girls. They don't exist in Virginia Beach. THAT'S going to be reverse culture shock. I e-mailed Mike at one point and told him that there are just loads of beautiful women here, and it's true. Hey all of you guys that say I like Japanese girls more than white girls! Listen up! I think there are more good looking Japanese girls walking around Japan than there are good looking white girls walking around America, and that's all you're getting from me. I still won't admit there being a preference!!!
おつかれさま! This phrase never gets old.
Crepes. What a great treat.
Udon. Yes, I will eventually miss the noodles. Udon IS awesome, no matter how much I have to eat it.
Weight Loss. I project I won't be this skinny for much longer after I get home.
Helping with English. Teaching is great. Subbing is fun and all, but when there are guys like Juun, Asato, Hiroki, and Shou constantly trying to speak English and asking me how to say things and whatnot and they're actually LEARNING (unlike those pesky high school kids), it feels great to be helping them.
Amazement at Crowds. I won't be seeing crowded streets like there are in Shibuya much, if ever, in the States. It always is fun to watch how many people are moving around there.
Karaoke! DUH. This is low on the list, but probably because I figured I didn't even need to mention it! Going crazy in a karaoke booth with friends is awesome.
Jazz Club. Unless you're talking about Enrico's, I still won't have one in Virginia Beach.
Good Rice. No matter how much the Asian market tries to fool you, you just can't make rice like how it's made here. Maybe I should buy a Japanese rice cooker and bring it home.

That's it for now. I'm going to sleep early tonight, woohoo!!!

Until next time...!!!


Unknown said...

Yes, summer cookouts......better hurry back before America runs out of meat!



kingsmartarse said...

authentic ramen. not this top ramen BS. that's what i miss the most.

dobedo said...

How about the things you definitely won't miss?

JUK said...


natalie said...

Yeah, try being in a club with those good looking Japanese girls for a while and you'll change your tune. Good lord, just move to the front of the group when they ask you to in practice. You're in a street dance performance club!! You can't be THAT timid and backward!

teresa said...

LMFAO... I <3 your list!!!

Greg, I feel that you must post more. Why? Because your brain, your thoughts, your days are much too interesting to not be forever recorded in internet memory-land. XD

I kind of want to go back and yet I kind of don't. Life here is super convenient but also super expensive. Also, I could do with the whole "let's be commuting back and forth from home for 3 hours a day!"

See you in front of B. 11 sometimes, being that that is where I always run into you...

- T

Anonymous said...

I miss hugs, too :(