Sunday, June 15, 2008

Eyyyy I didn't get buried!

Hey! The earthquake didn't hit near enough to me to have any effect. I felt some aftershocks, but at first I thought it was just me because last time I thought there was an earthquake it was when I was sick in class and my friend told me nothing was happening. : P

But, I HAVE been in earthquakes here! They're pretty cool. Well, I mean, they've been just little shakes, but it's almost like you're in a dream... the ones I've been in have been like waves and not rumbles, so very smooth and disorienting.



Will Turner said...

eh, sounds potentially intense, man! glad you're ok though. stay safe!

Unknown said...

I'd imagine it was like when the tornado hit in Indiana while I was there. It was cool to experience but I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere but the basement.