Friday, May 23, 2008

Blogcast Episode 01 - "Senpai/Kouhai"

*Double Post on Thursday! Check out the Podcast in the post below as well!

So instead of an actual post I decided to do an audio blog (is "blogcast" coined? I'm sure it's coined...) instead. This way, I didn't have to type a bunch of stuff, and I didn't have to post anything without pictures. Hopefully this weekend I'll get my tons of pictures from the past few weeks up for you to look at... a lot has gone on that I haven't blogged about!

Anyway, this is unlike the usual Sannin Podcasts because it's just my feelings on a subject. This evening I decided to record a little bit on the Senpai/Kouhai relationship in Japan, and although I know there to be a lot of evil deeds within such relationships here, I mostly talk about my experience with it and why I think the foundations are terrible when it comes to people like myself.

This blogcast is dedicated to my brother Bobby who turned 28 today! Happy birthday!!!


Until next time...!

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