Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sannin Podcast Episode 02 - "Scooter"

     The second installment of our podcast series is posted on Open Source Audio. Sorry for anyone that was having trouble with the first one... I can't guarantee that it won't happen a second time with this, but it may be worth a shot!

     A couple things about the episode: 1) it's broken into three parts due to pauses in our journey, but is recorded in one chunk of time; 2) the title on the heading and the title on the webpage is different because I decided to change it after I had uploaded and the page wouldn't let me update that part; and 3) I did a little audio editing with these, both good and slightly bad, which was first, amplifying the volume (and the audio clips at a couple places in the first and second parts... I remedied that in the third), and second, exporting it as an MP3 so that they would fit on the page (so there's a loss in quality, but, since it's a podcast, I don't think it matters too much, and furthermore the size went from 101MB to 9.24, so easier uploading and space usage!)

     Oh yeah, and if anyone listens to these podcasts, PLEASE just leave me a note in the comment box or on my e-mail so that I know whether or not to keep doing them. I know a couple of people have listened to them (and we sure like doing them!), but how many people are interested really determines how much time we put in. Enjoy!

1 comment:

natalie said...

Joanie loves Chachi.

Natalie loves Podcast.